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New points for chat room posts::: Why ANY points? I understand the basic premise of having "members" prove their interest.

But, do you think, and is there any data, to support the inferred thesis that is attracting the type of people who really give a shit about points?

Are these the types of humans you, as owners/admins, most interested in as "members?"

Please tell us now so we can move on.

JacarC 8 July 22

Enjoy being online again!

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move on then.


When the site was new, it was a way to encourage posts by the small amount of members. No it is a way to get a cool tshirt & pen!


Some people like the game of points. Some don't. Some don't care.

Like it? Go for it.
Hate it? Don't pay attention to it.
Don't care? Congratulations! You've discovered the secret of not giving your emotional power to things that don't matter.


This point system causes many point chasers to post a lot of meme and youtube stuff in place of serious OR humorous original articulations of ideas. It clutters the posting landscape with lots of marginally meaninful facebook junk.


They want to give away t shirts, and needed a way to decide who gets one.


Just trying to get a critical mass of people chatting so is more fun for those that do. Sure many members door care about points... Suggestions for other ways for me to say thanks?

Admin Level 9 July 23, 2018

Why not post an idea topic of the hour with a five minute lead on the new one? Something similar? My 'chat' experiences are like sitting in a press room before the conferemce begins. Nobody is really discussing anything, save hello, goodbye and two word small talk.

@Silver1wun Good idea... perhaps could take trending questions and make them a topic to chat about.


My take: In order to get some more action in the chat room forums, which it seems clear no one is interested in, we are going to reward participants with level points.

Not to be too shitty: Please get some real adults involved in deciding these types of in community marketing issues.

JacarC Level 8 July 22, 2018

I think your condescending criticism should have been sent in a private message to @admin. Whoever Admin is, he/she does a LOT, at great expense, for us to have this space. His or her motive matters not to me, and even though I don't use the chat rooms, I appreciate every single improvement or attempt at improvement of this site and its features.

@BlueWave Thanks, I've thick skin. 🙂

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