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(I stole this from a FB group I'm in called "we are all gods children and he left us in a hot car" ?)

I seriously wonder wtf is wrong with these people who feel the need to proclaim their religion thusly...

JustLynnie 7 July 23

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Ok, ok, after this I'll leave this thread alone...

Why haven't the cops given this person an equipment violation for driving with an obstructed rear windshield? Afraid they're going to violate the 1st Amendment? (I could actually buy that explanation...)
How does this guy parallel park, ffs?
What happens when he backs out of the driveway?
I'm waiting for the headlines when he backs over his own kids. "Jesus Sticker Kills."

I'm out.


They got the stickers on sale, perhaps?


So, reading from left to right: "Honk Jesus Honk If U Saves If U Love Love Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus." Right?

Or did I miss a "Jesus" in there somewhere?

(This actually sounds like someone having a really good time in bed... other than the honking part)


Jesus H. Christ....


Heroin dealer thinking Jesus stickers will keep the cops away.

Hermit Level 7 July 23, 2018

Apparently the owner thinks Jesus is watching and wants to make a good impression.

Or maybe just looking for someone to mow the lawn?


Destroyed the car too

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