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I AM a fan of baseball. Sadly I had no idea the back story on how new stadiums and arenas get funded and built. John Oliver does a 15 minute rant on the topic. I think it's a bad use of public funds, what's your take?

silverotter11 9 July 24

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Its shameful that we pay for stadiums without a vote. The owners are billionaires yet they keep the stadium and all revenues earned. We never get paid back. Its corruption marketed through propaganda so we the people don't protest in outrage. Shameful!, Vote out local cronies in Nov.


It pisses me off. No public funds should be spent on stadiums or sports venues when those are hugely profitable enterprises. It's like the federal government giving subsidies to hugely profitable oil and energy companies. WTF? It's just more corporate welfare.

bingst Level 8 July 24, 2018

You are a fan ( capital AM, noted ) and sadly didn't know how stadiums are funded...... Are you still a fan? Are you going to let John Oliver decide for you if you will enjoy baseball going forward? What have he done other than mock and rant about freaking everything? He is an equal opportunity destroyer for as long as it helps keeping his ratings. Do you really believe he cares? He is the best example of how graceful this country really is,
by allowing opportunities for ungrateful people like him.

@TheAstroChuck I understand and don't disagree with your statement. On the other hand, I do question John Oliver motives. He is an ungrateful useless individual we could afford to live without

@maturin1919 nothing personal mate, I don't like him. I don't have to......

@maturin1919 my point is, he rants about a lot of things here. If he dislike it so much then WTF is he doing here?.... Let's change things around for a sec, lets have an American have a talk show in the UK so he goes on ranting on the royal family...would that be ok? Is just a hypothetical situation, I would appreciate an honest answer

@maturin1919 I knew that, that does not give him the right to be as ungrateful as he is. Last time I check, he is a Green card holder, not even a citizen. He cannot vote and yet steer things certain way. Anyway, if the country open the door and his gratitude is to trash it then he should go back to wherever he came from.

Of course I'm still a fan of baseball. I was simply unaware HOW stadiums and arenas get funded. Ellensburg small town has not had to deal with the funding issue as Seattle, LA etc. has.
Oliver rants but also has information that is outside my scope of current awareness or news. So AFTER some fact checking I realize alot of what he has to say is correct.
Bottom line for me owners need to invest more of their own cash since apparently for them it is a cash cow but not so much for the local labor market or businesses.

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