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I often just really don't understand women ! I don't think its my fault ? Cuz , Im always open to calm discussion of whatever . For instance , there's one female acquaintance that I see usually once a week at a mutual routine activity...we're friendly , actually I think she's adorable but her anti- social tendencies are eroding that away ... but she's much younger than me and she just seems overly cautious about getting close to ppl in general so she doesnt talk much . One day, a few weeks ago , for some reason that I can't fathom she just gave me this terrible facial expression like she was very upset with my existence in her presence . She had snubbed me the day before when I encountered her and her new boyfriend in a parking lot , she acted like she didnt know me at all . I only said hello ! So , I decided to just avoid her for the next 2 weeks at the activity, no eye contact , total avoidance , since usually I work directly beside her I moved myself to the other far side of the room . A few days later I was out for a run , went around a corner and there she is walking toward me with her boyfriend and I tried not to even look their way but I could see her hand waving at me enthusiastically through my peripheral vision and instinctively I looked up and against my own will I waved back . Is she crazy ? Should I keep avoiding her ? What will she likely do next time I see her ? What was her problem ?

Scottzillyun 6 July 24

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Return her greetings only. You described a dangerous person. Beware.

And she might have very broad emotional swings. She might grow out of it.

JacarC Level 8 July 24, 2018

Keep in mind that she, as many people do, might remember dreams as reality.

And you are not alone in being around people who behave in the manner you described.

JacarC Level 8 July 24, 2018

Start with this: []

JacarC Level 8 July 24, 2018

Sounds like she may not be comfortable having her guy friends meet her boyfriend. That can be awkward and especially in a new relationship for someone that may be a little anti-social.

I wouldn't sweat it too much. Friends will come and go in life. All you can do is try your best to be there for them when they need.

Uh also you should probably be honest if you are having more than "friends" feelings about them. Just be completely honest because there really isn't anyway to know how anything will ever work out. People are all crazy and unpredictable in our own ways so best to just be your true self and then you can easily live with no regret. (Working on this myself...not the honesty part but the letting people fade in and out of my life)


Sounds like she took something you said , did , or implied , as a bit friendlier than she was comfortable with , so she backed off . Once she had a boyfriend and you had learned about him , you backed off . At that point , when she is with her boyfriend , she is now comfortable having you around , and is willing to forgive you're overstepping the boundary lines .

Kinda maybe , but , I only backed off cuz she made it awkward and there was actually nothing to back off from .


Just ignore her.

But......she's adorable , ha .

@Scottzillyun idk then


Maybe she's just socially awkward. I know there have been times when I find that I don't really know what to do with myself, and others when I've been more enthusiastic than a kid in a candy store. Jumping to conclusions can leave you without a ledge to land on. If you need to clarify anything, just ask her. "Hey, I don't mean to be weird or anything, but I noticed your reaction to me on suchandsuch day. Just wanted to make sure we're cool..." She might end up having an explanation that's completely different than anything you assumed. Honest, straightforward conversation beats guessing any day of the week.


Or maybe her vision isn't so good. Or her mind was wandering. Plenty of times I've seen friends or acquaintances but it's too late for me to wave back after I realize who it is, either because I don't see them well, or because I'm off in never never land.
Maybe her new boyfriend is a jealous jerk. Maybe he's not new, but rather rekindled from a failed past relationship.
There are way too many maybes to jump to conclusions.

If you have actually talked with her before, why don't you just ask her?

Well , I saw no reason to talk to her again until after she decided that I was someone she could wave at in public and I havent seen her since then .
I don't care for such unpredictability and disregard for communication amongst my friends .
It seems too disrespectful and awkward to accommodate... kinda like , when it comes down to it , ya really arent friends at all and maybe ya shouldnt be ?

@Scottzillyun Good point. If you're not comfortable with being friends with someone for any reason, you certainly shouldn't push it.


Some(not all),want to be fought for,an importance in their relationship,maybe she wanted you and the new boyfriend to get into a scufffle,exchange blows,maybe a bloody nose or bruisings?

Ha , not likely , shes more prone to confrontation avoidance .

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