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Well everyone breaking news and I mean that in the most literal sense I have evidently, I believe the word the doctor have splintered my left heel bone I cannot use the foot at all I'm not allowed to put any pressure on it at all and I go to see an orthopedic surgeon next week so that they can start scheduling to put it back together I can't even drive or get around for 2 months so yeah I'm basically screwed

Drsmash253 7 July 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Came here from the future when you got your stitches out. Amazing what a month can do. Hang in there.


Thanks everybody


Ow! I cringe for you!

P.S. It may take a while, but you'll heal and be up and about again before the year is out.


Oh man that's a tough break. You should invite us over. We'll distract you from thinking about your foot by breaking things in the other room and saying things like, oh no! Let's get out of here! and going through your underwear draw and eating all your good lunch meats.


Books and video games?

Hermit Level 7 July 25, 2018
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