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So, conservative House republicans Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan have filed a resolution to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Rosenstein is the man overseeing the Mueller investigation.
These two scumbags have their heads so far up 45's ass, they've got cheeto-dust around their collars.

It's not likely that, even if, the rest of the House votes to approve the resolution, that the Senate will vote to convict Rosenstein. It IS, however, yet another attempt to discredit the Mueller investigation before he releases it's findings.
45 is running scared and things are going to get really UGLY, really FAST.
Where are all his defenders?

KKGator 9 July 25

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Your tax dollars at work.


its funny. I keep picturing a game where they're all trying to get behind somebody else before it explodes.

A cockeyed version of musical chairs.


It's like some perverse circus, isn't it?

Vote for a fucking clown, expect a fucking circus.

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