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I am learning quickly that there are people on this site who find it necessary to publish mean spirited comments to posts. I don't need people who delight in tearing other folks down, posting negative comments on my page. Go troll around with some of your other miserable buddies. I don't play that game.

indelible 7 July 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Was it me?

No, Sticks.

@indelible Whew!


I've run into one so far. I haven't been here long though. I just ignored the person. If this becomes a problem I don't know what I'll do yet. I guess I'll decide if the time comes. Sorry to hear you are experiencing this because so far I really like this site. I hope you don't run into very much more of it.


Who?? Show em to me! I'll f**k them up! LOL

You're my hero ?


I have blocked a coupe of people because of this.


Can you block them? I left FB because of trolling and mean people...I don't mind different opinions and ideas, but mean and ugly are just not cool...hang with the good ones...

You can block peeps on here, and I did. There is a block feature on FB under 'Privacy', I think.

I've blocked 60 people so far, and l have been blocked, l don't know how many times. It is a fine tool, which is probably what at least 60 people think l am.

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