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Write to me if you want to be friends? I looking for love!

Vernon105 3 July 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Well done for not beating about the bush! Best of luck!


Vernon, are you new to this? Your name appears by default at the end of every post you make on an online forum - no need to sign them! 🙂

Good luck with your search: perhaps try writing a few posts on topics that interest you, reply to any women who are sufficiently interested in that topic to comment on your post and go from there? We're a friendly bunch on here; I'm sure you'll soon find yourself enjoying lots of conversations. Have fun!

Jnei Level 8 July 27, 2018

You might do better with a picture where you looked happier.... with at lest the hint of a smile.

Happy is the most attractive trait a person can have.

Some of us don't have beaming, broad smiles; it's something of a curse, I guess.

@Condor5 Here is the secret to having your photo taken. You never force a smile. Instead you think of something pleasant that makes you happy. Even if your mouth doesn't smile, your eyes will look happier. It just takes a little imagination.

@snytiger6 excellent advice, young man. I'll have to try that.

@Condor5 Back when I was trying to be an actor, I also did some print work (modeling), and ws told how to be a better model for the camera.. It turns out that it isn't that different from acting. You just imagine the scene and situation as being real then behave and act accordingly.

It sounds simple, but it is much easier said than done. You have to practice for it to appear natural and not forced.

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