Worried about your voting status or if your vote has been counted! A friend sent me this: [headcount.org]
I don't think it's something we in WA State need to worry about as much as some other states that are actively working to suppress certain voters.
I just dropped my ballot off 4 days ago. Mail in paper balloting is so easy I wish all 50 states would do it.
Funny, how we need to go back to the old ways of doing things to make our system more secure. However, this will take more manual labor and may cost.
@JackPedigo and just what has been the cost of this manbaby in the WH?
@silverotter11 Of course I understand. But how will other, less informed, people see this? It is not an issue here and some other states but I am concerned about those states that support this nutjob. It would be to his advantage to keep the system that got him elected in the first place.
@JackPedigo Yep and that is the scary part. Colbert said while showing a photo of jeff sessions "A man desperately wanting to change his name to Jim Crow". We know what the red states are doing to suppress voters ability to register and get to the voting places. I'll hammer on this one all day - Alabama wrote the playbook on this!! It will take out of state people (volenteers) to go and help the poor white and the poor black neighborhoods get the ID needed (states close the DMV offices in those neighborhoods, cost saving my ass). Get people to the polling places - these states limit places to vote and the hours and most poor areas have no public transportation. It will take work but since the white folk in charge are somewhat secure in their hubris flipping the vote CAN happen. IMO