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Has anyone else observed that often, the most Christ-like people are the atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, secularists, and humanists? And do you find this more than a little ironic?

Piratefish 7 July 28

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So ... being an atheist makes me more prone to scourging people with whips and cursing fig trees, and having the goal of setting family members against each other??

Seriously, though ... I take your point that some Christians claim to be more virtuous and moral, and its always fun to have a Christian affirm you for being virtuous and moral, and therefore, likely one of them ... and then to find out the unthinkable ...

They're onto us.


I agree with you. But I would not think about it as Christ-like, except when I speak to a Christian about it, but I would think of it as being a decent human who cares about her/his fellow humans.

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