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Breaking: The Hunt for Assad Begins, as Israel Presses War Crime Charges


According to this article my intuition my be playing out. I posted about the evacuation of the white helmets a few days ago and called it out as a means to hide truths to the westernized lies. It's been well covered by independent sources that they have indeed staged fake rescues, used the children in bombed areas as a cover for fake self promotion, participated with terrorist, even taking photos with them which have been posted online, operated ordinates manufacturing in schools and hospital, some chemical weapons. I have posted articles and videos of all mentioned above, or articles with these videos within over months passed. There's no denying it as the MSM will not mention it or in any means cover those stories. In which their only other access to these stories are from the white helmets them self or another shady news group working beside them. That have also been outed while helping to film the fake rescues, fake care facilities with fake actors and fake injuries. All these evidences have been inside articles I've posted over the months. I've also have stated my concerns to the role of Russia. Just the other day I stated that they don't seem to be doing anything close to what a power nation should be able to do to help a "friend" as in supposedly Syria is to be. This maybe explaining my concerns. They really were not there to help, but control. Maybe to keep Iran from playing a larger role? Assad better just keep his ass in Syria! I have little doubt that Russia is just another part of the deep state and part of the illusion over the world. The war over there has pretty much ran its course. It's now time to pick up the pieces, of evidence, as much as they can to lighten the blow, and move on to a bigger means of profit. IRAN! As every middle easy country so far, the only city left near any means of full construct has been the capital. The rest has been blown literally to stone, age, and left in relatively full destruction. So be it in Syria. I give you, Wesley Clark!

William_Mary 8 July 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Its just amazing to me how thoroughly and savagely dedicated Israel is to being evil !

It's not just Israel. I also posted another article today about the white helmets evacuation from Syria in my group here. Along with them are top commanders of ISIS. Guess where they are going? Possibly a city near you. []

@powder I'm reserved on Iran. The youth of that nation has changed it the last few election cycles. If they could just get rid of the hard line radical's and the CIA they'd might get to a point of being left alone.


I always wonder why israel is never charged with war crimes by the World Court?

@powder Here you go... lucky for the world ameriKKKa decline is in effect and will not stop until reaching the sub basement.

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