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"I hear white liberals talk sometimes as if they've nothing to if the power of authoritarianism threatens only people of color. It threatens POC more; but it threatens everybody. That's what authoritarianism is. You do nobody any favors by imagining you're immune.

As my daughter saw at the border, authoritarianism targets POC first & most severely; the secondary goal of white supremacy, tho, is to keep white subjects in line through a mix of privilege & subtle punishment for questioning that privilege. Authoritarianism cultivates paranoia & self-censorship. It depends on us to internalize the ways in which it pushes around; it wants us to feel guilty for being afraid. It wants us to speak in the passive voice." Jeff Sharlet

Humanlove 7 July 29

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I think you mean white conservatives, who feel "privileged" in so many ways, and better than others because of their "color". Liberals generally speaking, are "liberal" because they have Empathy.


I live around a whole lot of liberals and they are all afraid of what's going on. So my experience is way different than yours.


Read the whole article here

Please check out this




My being white probably isn't going to help at all against those going after LGBTQ+ and the disabled.


I don't know. I'm white and pretty fucking scared right now.


I have thought for years that black people have the knowledge that the system is against them, while whites have not yet figured out that we all are in the same boat. Being white means you are gone after everyone else is gone and therefore have no help.

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