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Is this supposed to be like facebook or plenty of fish?

Johny6string 2 July 29

Enjoy being online again!

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This site is lacking a Barf emogi, which I need right now.

You should ask Admin about that. I think that is a capital idea.

Why a barf emoji? Am i that ugly?

@Johny6string No, for just comparing to FB and POF. Lol!


No. It's supposed to be like Well, none of us are quite sure if that's what it was supposed to be, but that's what it is and we like it that way.

Jnei Level 8 July 30, 2018

One thing leads to another, whatever that might be..... If you really want to know the answer then keep marching forward


Neither, I'm happy to say.


This more like Plenty of Face.

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