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Late night thought before bed.

There's not much of a way for me to leave this open ended, so I guess I'll ask for opinions and any thoughts that come about.

I grew up with everybody around me having different religions. I have a great tolerance for the discussions and debates being thrown around. There's always been a couple things that bothered me, about Christianity, though.

  1. This has bothered me since childhood. Where did God come from? Nobody was ever able to give me an answer. Although, I can't ever get an answer on how the emptiness of space came to be either. It's always bothered me that nobody has an answer on how either proposed beginning came from.

  2. I'm asked often, "what if you're wrong? What if God is real, and when you die, you're sent to hell for eternity for you not believing and accepting Jesus into your heart and repenting for your sins?" What's always bothered me is so many people are religious out of fear. I feel that I am stronger for being able to say, "I would face God, and explain that I am sorry for my lack of faith, but I was a good, loving, accepting, giving human, without religion. I didn't treat others with love and respect out of fear. I lived my life willing to accept the consequences of being me and I stand before you understanding that if that wasn't enough to get me into heaven, I will accept my place in Hell." It confuses and bothers me that people do not seem strong enough to make their own decisions and face the consequences of them even though they tend (not all, just my experience) to be more greedy, selfish, angry, rude, and vain than their non-religious counterparts.

I apologize for the rant but I have kept that bottled inside me for so long, and I hope that it is welcomed here.

WineTurbine 4 Jan 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, science is getting some handle on how all this came to be. Long but interesting watch if curious about that sort of thing:

As for Pascal's wager, God is going to be able to tell who sincerely believes and who is trying to fake God out. I'll stick with using the brain God (or evolution) gave me to tell right from wrong. Presumably that's what it is for.

  1. Watch ancient aliens... 🙂
  2. I always thought that if a very high % of those so called Christians are going to heaven, It would be hell for me to spend eternity with them

I think a lot of people do believe out of fear. Others believe because it gives them some comfort I suppose. Personally I find the thought of being in control of your own life much more comforting than the idea that some supernatural force is in charge of everything.
As far as where god comes from, most Christians will probably try to tell you that god is eternal, and that he's always been and always be, which is really them saying "we don't have a good answer, so this is what we'll go with."

  1. We as a species are still quite young despite all of our accomplishments. You can't have all the answers over night. Where did we come from and how did we get here? Does it matter? The day will come when we can answer those questions and then everyone will move on to the next questions. We have the fundamentals. The next question I want to see tackled is how can we move quickly and efficiently through space. 🙂 Let's spread this virus known as mankind through the stars 😀

  2. I agree wholeheartedly. Treat others how you want to be treated. Life is better when more of us are doing well, and it's on all of us to get there.

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