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I was wartching "What On Earth" Saturday night. It was a new program and featured a satellite picture that possibly showed Iran had started its nuclear program again. There were various scientists and other experts who said that Iran had violated past agreements, were possibly violating this one and were not allowing inspectors to have full access. This is contrary to everything I have heard from sources including statements from European leaders, UN weapons inspectors and others. This seems to be propaganda. It is well known that there are people in the US who want a war with Iran. What do you think?

Enchanter 6 July 31

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Desperation on the cusp of madness !


It seems to be a requirement for the office since Jimmy Carter.
I'm guessing the US may be ready for it.


Trump wants to show his might so bad he is willing to start a war with Iran.

Marine Level 8 July 31, 2018
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