This is right up my alley but it's a hard thing to talk about without people thinking you are crazy. I think this guy sums it all up nicely and give it the right perspective to look at this information in a more professional manner.
Here's some supplemental data on ayahusca on the Science Alert website. But it looks like the web post is simply a write-up of an ASAP Science YouTube video on ayahusca.
The take-aways from the articles are:
1: "...But what's interesting about these hallucinations is that, unlike the trips produced by LSD and 'shrooms, people on ayahuasca are much more aware that they're hallucinating and generally alert...After the experience, many people report being more at ease with their thoughts, and are more accepting of their present situation. Rather than simply getting high, most people take ayahuasca to reconcile past experiences and emotions and find inner peace...."
2: "...There's also some evidence that DMT could help promote long-term memory and the growth of new neurons..."
3: "...and it might even have the potential to kill certain cancer cells. That's not to say ayahuasca could be used to treat cancer in its current form, but scientists suspect there might be some useful properties of the brew that could be used to fight cancer in the future...."