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Yeah, I'm pretty much a horrendously insensitive demon. Big old horrible accident on the highway today to work with fire and truck pieces and cops and debris scattered for a good long way (no ambulances, though), and the first thing I could think is "Fuck, if I only had my camera..."

Yup. The pretend hell is made for people like me.

(Update so you don't think I am the Devil. I use to be (kinda still am) a photojournalist, so its part of my training to be horrendous...)

onlyduh 7 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Have you seen the movie Nightstalker? I liked it in a can't look away from the horror kind of way.


Well if it's any consolation, you're not the only one. I'm an EMT and so desensitized to gore that my comments (or thoughts) are usually highly inappropriate!

Ambir Level 3 Aug 1, 2018

Deflection is protection


Why anyone would want pics of accidents eludes me you always see people at accident sites filming on their phone


I think, I hope it's a racist or a Republican

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