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Trump must go! But the wealthy and corporations have turned us into the Capitalistic Communist States of America! The People need to take their country back! Remind all these politicians they are our civil servants! Impeach, imprison and execute trump now!

MARDUK 7 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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It’s easier to confuse than to educate, so in trade for their ultra conservative social agenda, US industrialists have backed the nation’s worst, barely winning, but ‘winning.’ With that, their power (since Reagan) has increased.

To compete, the good people of the nation must organize, divert resources to political fights … and convince that handful of flip-floppers in ‘the middle’ to vote for everyone’s best interests. Yes, ‘everyone’ includes those industrialists; without a functioning (spending) populous, they’ll go under, too.

Varn Level 8 Aug 2, 2018



You were listening to much to your leaders about the fear of "others" to pay attention to what they were doing to your democracy

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