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4229 false and misleading claims in 558 days. He is the president of the US. I don't understand our reality.


kmdskit3 8 Aug 5

Enjoy being online again!

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There is a new outrage almost daily with this administration. A work colleague expressed with dismay that Trump and his minions are adherents to the 1930s Nazi Germany playbook: attacking free expression and the media; disseminating propaganda, demonizing minorities and immigrants, coddling the rich and powerful. I can't find a reason to disagree with this assessment.

...and doing it through the democratic, or ‘legal’ process, as did Hitler & crew..


What is worse is his base that believes him!


If his lips are moving....


A significant yet insignificant portion of the nation’s actual voters fell for the con of a pathological liar and malignant narcissist… I’ve not quite lost hope for humanity, but am more than worried about ‘my nation.’
Watched this yesterday:

Varn Level 8 Aug 5, 2018

so much winning


I don't get it. I feel like l am in some alternate Universe.

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