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What is your response when asked what religion you profess?

Dan1947 6 Aug 5

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I don't believe in that stuff


I am an atheist


Depends who's asking. Though I am technically agnostic, I am careful to not refer to myself as such around religious types. They usually see it as a sign of weakness and a chance to convert. I usually say Atheist, sometimes I'll say something like, I'm not particularly religious, on occasion I say I don't believe in ghosts (an effective gobsmacker in select situations).


If it's someone who is super religious or I feel they will want to start something (debate, argue, get really personal) then I tell them I was raised baptist. Everyone else, I tell them I'm atheist.

I haven't use the "I was raised..." tool, but do have different responses for different people, or for the mood I am in, for that matter.

@itsmedammit Hahaha I love your username.


None. Though the last time it was asked it was phrased "How important is your faith in god to you?". That was in a hospital.

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