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I believe it was Nikita Krushchev that predicted America will destroy itself. Seems Russia is much better at manipulating us than we thought. Democracy along with the truth is dying.

KateZilla 7 Aug 5

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These blind ugly followers of the orange one, should just look closely at the hats, tee shirts, signs all made in China! This should be enough to make them realize the orange one only cares for MONEY!


He predicted that we would fall from within!


There was a theory long before NK that this country was simply too big to survive intact,.

That’s become my recent expectation. With a new supreme court allowing individual states to enact laws so contrary to their neighbors, I envision the equivalent of mini-nations, defending their own laws and borders..


Heart Attacks in waiting… ‘America’ at it’s worse.. The times I’ve been so utterly ashamed of ‘my nation,’ of stuff like that being seen by ..everyone has nearly numbed me with disgust…

Well, Communism went first.. But I doubt Capitalism’s far behind. That’s why we need Socialism … the common ground between extremes ..and what will eventually kick our butts economically.

But back to those trumpians.. They remind me of guys on the verge of putting a bullet through their brains (with very careful aim). Such failures in every aspect of life, they spend the time they’ve got left attempting to blame others.

I’d spent time in DC before moving to the tailend of VA. Those people were fit! So was I, though not from sprinting (in heels) between metro stations 😉 Then I head down south.. Too often finding myself surrounded by those in the photo here. Disgusting, in all ways.

Single, I’ll watch the interactions between couples, incapable of understanding what would attract any woman to the likes of those.. Shit. I begin to feel sorry for women, and fully understand why they’d become putoff by ‘men.’ ...I was roaming a Walmart shortly after arriving ‘here,’ where I staggered backward ..against a wastehigh cooler wondering ..WTF have I done? I’m surrounded by obesity & ignorance 😕

...sorry for the tangent, the photo triggered me..

Varn Level 8 Aug 5, 2018
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