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Do you think men have a “feminine side” where their reservoir of feelings are?

Dan1947 6 Aug 5

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Men are human, and humans Feel....maybe culturally a group is taught "good" or "bad" public responses, but you feel what you feel, and nobody should denigrate you for it! I myself now am a pretty stoic woman, made that way by life circumstances......everybody is on the Bell Curve.
I will say, however, having worked in all-male environments for quite some time, and many times observing men when they think no women are around (not on purpose!) that it is VERY hard to be a male in this culture, you must be almost a split personality.


No - I think we all have, more or less, our own reservoirs of feelings and emotions. Not a connection to gender so much as simply being humans (at least most of us).


Solving that issue will drive you insane. Get off it, before it's too late.


No, they have a masculine side where the reservoir of feelings are. women have a feminine side where there reservoir of feelings are. those two "sides" are remarkably quite similar, having as a distinction only this: one's in a man's body, the other is in a womans.

slightly less esoteric version: no, they just have different genitals. the brains are capable of all the same emotions from all the same stimuli, varying from person to person regardless of sex..


That's the sad fallacy that our society has taught us we all have the same emotions men have just been taught not to express them


I think it would be more appropriate to call it our "human" side. Men, sadly, are typically conditioned by society to stifle feelings other than anger, for fear they will appear weak. Men who are in touch with their emotions and learn how to live with them are actually the best partners.

Deb57 Level 8 Aug 5, 2018

Precisely this. If only more men realised that feminism, far from threatening them with emasculation, will enable them to demonstrate that side of their personalities and be who they really are as individuals.

Indeed! I taught my sons that understanding and acknowledging all their emotions was actually empowering, rather than emasculating.

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