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As older adults, say roughly over 50 years of age, do you think dating, as we all did in our younger years, is juvenile? Or do people gravitate instead toward companionship (a deeply committed, monogamous relationship) of real intimacy for fulfillment? Obviously many will stay wounded, alone and /or rebound so as to not be alone.

Dan1947 6 Aug 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I think it's still necessary but not in the bar scene as you have to get to know someone and doing activities means you get a grasp of their likes and dislikes


Dating, as in, one of you makes a plan & you go together to enjoy it, why would anyone give up the fun of that?!!?


To me, dating is necessary if one is trying to find a partner/mate/match - whatever category you'd like to use.
I compare it to trying on jeans - you're looking for someone who is a comfortable fit for you ! We all have to start somewhere.


Dating is no different now than it was 50 or even 70 years ago. You determine what dating is because you are the one doing it. Dating is different things to different people but it always involves getting to know someone better and better, and you either evolve further as time goes by or you end it, gracefully I hope. Good luck to you in your quest!


I've known this guy for awhile as a friend of a friend. Nice, kinda shy but we only saw each other once in awhile. In the spring he asked me out to dinner & we've been dating, getting to really know each other. Pretty sure our relationship is on its way to a new level....we just have to sit down & discuss expectations & desires.

I don't see me giving up single life right now. I enjoy being able to go & do at will. But I would like to have a partner in crime, so to speak, on a regular.

You may have already found him but don’t know it yet. Good luck!


Actually I went the other way around I was deeply committed and in marriage for 27 years now that I'm divorced and single I find that I want a less restrictive relationship somewhere more than a friend but less than marriage


These past few months are the first time I have been single since my late thirties. I have chosen to heal and regroup before venturing into the dating world again, but I have no idea what to expect these days. I'm curious, but not enough to skip the healing process before finding out. I'm very interested in seeing what kinds of comments you get to your questions.

Deb57 Level 8 Aug 5, 2018
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