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First post here..
Just came random question.
When someone sneezed do you say God bless you?
Me,I don't say anything.

DSOM 3 Aug 6

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I think the direction of the sneeze could cause me to say a variety of things....or nothing.

actually thinking about this a little more Gesund I think actually is to "get out". gehen is the word for go if I remember this from many years ago in German class.


Bless you, or God Bless you. It's just a saying.


I don’t say anything.


I don't say anything. He/she is the one who disturbed my peace and tranquility, so he/she should say "excuse me" or some variation of that. 😉


I usually ask, "You ok?"


I usually say "bless you". I don't edit 'god speak' from my vocabulary since its part of the common vernacular & doesn't peg one as a christian. In exasperation, I also say, 'jumped up Jesus on a fucking pogo stick'. That pretty much pegs me as a heathen & a blasphemer.


The term , " bless ," means to make happy . I have no problem with , " Bless you ."


If anything, I will offer a tissue. I always have tissues on me.


I say "Gesundheit" because it's a wish for the person's good health.

I thought that translated as "go away spirit". gesund - to go. and "heit" i understood to be related to our word haint as in ghost..... but I'm not sure of this.

@hankster Even better! That's really interesting -- thank you!

@snikkers might want to talk to somebody that knows German better. been a long time since I studied that stuff. but you're welcome. Can you help us @Germangirl?

@snikkers actually the more I look at Gesund the more I think means to get out... I think the word just for go is gehen. jogging memory.


Can I offer you some hand sanitizer?


I just remain silent.

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