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Addiction and God

So, if you haven't guessed, I have a pretty serious food addiction. It manifests itself as binge eating fatty take out and sweets. Even going so far to sleep binge eat. Today I yet again looked down to realize I've eaten 4 of the 6 hostess cakes I wanted to divvy up for work lunches.

I'm diabetic and my entire family history is full of heart attacks and pulmonary embolisms and obesity (my grandmother being the only one not obese because her cancer destroyed her throat and she can only eat cottage cheese and certain foods and so much sustain herself on pediasure)

My addiction to food is a deep genetic tarnish. We're southerners. Food is basically all we know. Everything is solved with casseroles and fried chicken and pie. Someone died? Break out the potluck. Someone getting married? Potluck. Came over to fix the radiator? Here have a tray of lasagna and pitcher of sweet tea.

On top of that there's no impulse control in our family. Growing up it was if you didn't eat your fill of whatever it is, you won't get it later. Stash a slice of cake away for later someone already ate it. Want one more biscuit with your dinner? You should have grabbed an extra before.

These practices growing up have lead to multiple food disorders. Last week I ACTUALLY HID a sweet cake in the blender in the closet and 6 hours later it was gone.

Thus it's been programmed into my very DNA to eat it all stat. My DNA is so lined with bacon grease and fat that I don't think even if I started dieting before my birth that I'd be able to undo it.

All of this binging and fast food has also been fucked because my disability now stops me from being very active.

I used to be thin even though I ate like I do. Actually worse because I never ate veggies. My mom and brother also never eat veggies. The other day I made meatloaf and all they ate was meatloaf and potatoes. No green beans, no peppers, they picked the onions out.

I at least make an attempt to eat more veggies. I'm still struggling but I'm growing to love more veggies than ever. (I can live on fried onions and green peppers)

But it's not just the family of southern fried foods and sugar. I over eat everything.

It tastes good so even when I'm full I still want to taste the yummy.

I don't know what to do.

I've been researching programs and therapies but so far they're all "12 step" and the second step is always "admit there's a higher power and god will provide"

Bitch god is enabling me cause if he was real he'd even be like "gurrrrrl stoppppppp put the burger downnnnnn"

I can't stop. I crave the grease and salt and sugar so much that I get like withdrawal and agitation and flat out sick.

My friends are all keto now, and want me to join, but with my food allergies I'd just be eating steak with steak and maybe some sauteed steak and for desert steak Ala mode.

Plus changing what I eat won't address the real problem which is I have a serious impulse control problem and legitimate addiction.

I don't WANT to cut sugar out 100%. I don't think it's bad in moderation. Carbs too. I don't want to be one of those "OMG DON'T EAT THAT IT'LL KILL YOUUUUUUUU" naggy uppity people.

I want to enjoy food, but like a normal person who can eat 4 small meals and actually adhere to the serving size.

I want to not wake up covered in the snacks I locked away.

I want to be able to see my toes again (though even thin I couldnt. Hello giant tits -,-)

Dieting won't work. Therapy hasn't worked. The wonderful "accept Jesus and he will cure you" won't work.

What do I do?

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Aug 8

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I really don't know if it would work, but have you looked into hipnosis?


I struggle with food addiction, too. Whenever I'm stressed, scared, bored, lonely, etc. I turn to food for comfort. Trying to turn this around by finding other ways to manage uncomfortable emotions. I'm also finding that the less I eat the fatty, sweet, doughy things I love, the less I crave them -- it's like my body has started to say "no." I'm also becoming more mindful of portion size, and recognizing when I feel full. It's not an easy process... There is a writer I could recommend, Geneen Roth. A heads-up, some of her writing has religious overtones, but I look beyond that. She has some wise things to say about food issues.


The only thing I can say, and I don't mean to sound insensitive, but you have to train yourself to think differently. Its mind over matter. I also have had a weight problem, not because of a food addiction like yours, but because of hormone imbalance that kept me from being able to lose weight. But I love food! I am an excellent cook, my sister and I do professional baking and cupcakes are a weakness. But.. I made changes I had been adamantly against making (keto) and I've lost over 30 lbs in 2 months. If you'd have asked before, I'd have given up everything else before carbs and grains. Now, I've adjusted, and even enjoy this way of eating. Maybe I am too stubborn to be an addict to the same degree as you, but all I know is, if you want it bad enough, you are the only one who can make it happen.


I really don’t know what to say to you LadyAlyxandrea. I am not an expert by any means and I myself have great difficulty keeping my weight at a reasonable level as I have a very healthy appetite. Unlike you however, I do have a very varied and healthy diet, there is virtually nothing that I don’t like or can’t eat! I just eat too much of everything and also like wine and other alcoholic drinks. I presently am okay weightwise as my daughter-in-law suggested I joined Slimmimg World two years ago and I am amazed how easy it was to lose two stones! Keeping it off is more of a struggle than actually losing it, but within certain perimeters I am managing it. Have you thought of joining a group like me? Perhaps you have already done so in the past without success. I realise your diabetes complicates things, but makes it all the more important for you to get the weight under control. The sugar and fat are definitely your problem and it would be helpful if you could drastically reduce your intake of them and also increase your fruit and veggie intake....just to be healthier, let alone the weight loss! I know what you say about having an addictive personality as my son has a borderline addictive personality disorder, and in his case it goes in cycles, being addicted to something for weeks at a time and then something else after that. I hope even just discussing it here is a help, but maybe counselling with a professional would be an idea. Best of luck!


And it's not just food. My genetics are so lined with addiction I was basically smoking cigarettes in the womb. My grandpa lost his entire 500,000 dollar inheritance at the casino. I can't remember the last time my mom drank a water.

I also have problems with those. I'm lucky enough to live far away from the casinos, but any time I've gone I've never been able to stop myself without my best friend to drag me out. I know I'd be just like papa.

I also drink a shit ton of diet coke, but I do drink tea and water.

My family has had alcohol addictions I've been lucky enough my soda addiction has negated because honestly I would rather have a soda than any alcohol. I just never liked drinking. I'll have a wine cooler once every few years but that's it.

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