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Greetings all. Or whomever. I'm still trying to figure out what is going on here, and am mainly here because it seemed a good way to kill time while sitting at my brother's due to my fire refugee status from a wildfire here in Northern California. So much smoke! I'm pretty sure my and my family's homes are safe, but it is nerve wracking not knowing. Almost as nerve wracking as sharing an 1800 square ft home with 7 other people (2 of which are under 10!), 4 dogs, and 1 cat stuck in a cage due to said dogs.

Like I said, I'm still figuring out how this place works. And I'm really bored so I'm just yammering on. But my phone is dying, and I'm too lazy to go get my charger.

Baba 2 Aug 8

Enjoy being online again!

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So sorry for all your troubles. I've been hearing about the wildfires in Northern CA and it sounds awful... This is a nice site to drop in and share. Just hand out and pick some topics/posts that interest you.


It is all temporary. You'll have your own hardship stories to tell. You have mysympathy. Don't forget to thank your brother for putting up with all his refugees.


Sorry to hear about your present plight, so many others not so lucky and have lost their lives or homes. You are very welcome here, just browse the posts and pick out some topic you fancy and give us your opinion. Hope you’re back home soon. Greetings to you from the UK!


Welcome. I hope things turn out well for you.

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