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Is the truth coming out now about NFL ending disrespect of kneeling with the national anthem?

Dan1947 6 Aug 8

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So Dan, Mr Facts!! Did you know that the National Anthem was written by Francis Scott Key, white Supremacist and a slave owner, so why does the US, self identified as a holy roller democratic love everybody country use an anthem written by such a person. Anyone who knows this ought to take a knee, and if they know this and don't take a knee, are a coward.

This includes the military, so called fighting for the US. Would a black soldier knowing this, be happy about where the anthem came from?? Only get one guess Dan


Jeebus H. Do you not understand, or willfully ignore, WHY they were kneeling? Employing a treasured Constitutionally-guaranteed method of protest/self-expression? And your problem is...?


I'm guessing you're a supporter of president bone spurs.


I'll take the bait.
The NFL is making a massive mistake if they try to force the players to stand. This is exactly what dictators and authoritarian governments to to create the perception that everything is fine.
It isn't fine. They are right to fine and suspend players for doing things that might hurt the public image of the league such as abuse and drugs or other criminal charges. However this policy would be extremely hypocritical of them. On one hand asking them to be good role models for children and on the other saying they can't take a stance and make a statement about a serious social issues.
In a free country this is one of those rights you have as a citizen. Making a statement and raising awareness on important social issues. Not only is a right I think it is a citizens responsibility to pursue fair and equal treatment for all.

Before we get into disrespecting the military I will bring up the NFL only recently had military presence at games...after the military paid the NFL like any other advertiser. The real disrespect is the NFL taking money from an institution in place to protect them and their business but...woohoo capitalism

Anyway no one has done much on the social inequity the players are trying to raise awareness on in 200 years. Have to do something to get people to pay attention and this was working. Civil disobedience is probably preferred over civil war so talk about the problem they are trying to make you aware of and ignore the bs that surrounds it. I have not heard one player say they are protesting the military or the flag. is a flag. It is not due any respect....what the flag represents does and that would be the constitution...see first amendment. The fact is they are protesting that the constitution is NOT representing all people equally why should it be respected by all people.

Still Canadian so I don't really care but it is curious how the spin doctors can shift some minds so quickly away from the real issue by throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.

I will be curious to know the facts

Logic and facts. Those won't fly here.

@Dan1947 who me? Not discussion worthy then? I mean you were pretty clear on which side you were taking by the invitation for "discussion"

@Dan1947 again I am Canadian but I think they fight for the constitution not so you will stand for the anthem. They sacrifice to protect your right to kneel for it...freedom
Anyway I figured you might be that guy that bought into the spin. Discuss the issue...if there were no issue there would be no kneeling/protest

@Dan1947 l believe the would say, "Dan, go fuck yourself."

@Dan1947 So you don't really want to discuss the issue you want to discuss the narrative that is simply an obvious (to most) distraction from the issue? Nothing got muddied in this except the fact you bought the narrative and think it is the issue. You do have some good words so kudos there but the rest you really are either ignoring or missing completely

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