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What do you think is the meaning of life?

GregFroh 3 Aug 9

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To die with as little regrets as possible. But that's me.


There is no special meaning it is simply the result of evolution of cells!


The Hokey Pokey is what it is all about.

I don't know what hokey pokey means, maybe you can explain

@GregFroh there is a silly and fun kids song with movements. Adults do enjoy it as well at parties. There are numerous variations, styles, and movements. Generally the sing starts off slow and gradually gets faster.

Everyone forms a circle. Then sings:

You put your left foot in {into the circle}
You put your left foot out {out of the circle}
You put your left foot in {back into the circle}
Then you shake it all about {shake your foot}
You do the hokey pokey {usually put hands into the air and shake or wave them}
And you turn yourself about {you turn around while shaking your hands and arms}
That’s what it’s all about {clap hands during each syllable of this line}
{you then begin the song again but with the right foot}
{keep repeating for right leg, left leg, right arm, left arm, back side, head, whole self}

Sample video:

@cupstack a few drinks before hand makes it a lot more fun.


Whatever you want it to be..

are there any limits? if yes, how would you determine them?

@GregFroh My short answer was to prevent a long answer.. but if it's whatever you want it to be, the only limit is you. There is no objective meaning to life. Just like there is no objective meaning the the universe and existence. The only meaning is subjective, created by the subject. So any meaning you find or discover will be your own. Other people might share it, but being as there is no objective meaning, there will always be people who agree and those who don't.


Does there have to be one? I think attributing a meanign to life suggests some kind of divine plan or purpose, and I don't believe in that.


Well, I can't get rid of the following idea:
If we look at lifeforms on earth, we can notice one thing all life has in common. And it is to reproduce. Because if certain life-form is not willing or not capable, it gets replaced by another life-form, that is more aggressive in it's reproduction. In my view, I don't see any divine plan behind that. For me it is just bio-chemistry at work. So I conclude for me: Fuck as much as you can with in mind to reproduce.

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