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Do you think the "Idiocracy effect" is taking place in real life'?

Rajmarax 4 Oct 15

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As far as public education, I have been watching and noticing the systematic dumbing down of America since the early 80s.


quite possibly. we are fairly badly educated even in the west. We know one facet and how to spend money . Still, life's great ennit


With a large majority of citizens believing things to be true that can't be proved and the fact that most countries ignore facts and reality in favor of popular opinion, we have and always will be an idiocracy.


I think it goes through cycles and we just happen to be in one of those downturns with the current US administration. Truth and intelligence will win the day, but it's hard to see the stupid messing up most of the legislation that has taken fifty years to get into place. The fact that religious organizations are taking such a large role in the current government could easily prove that the 'idiocracy effect' is in full force.


I may get scolded for this, we'll see.
Whenever I see what Trump and his pals do every day, I can't help but think that full-blown Idiocracy is already upon us.
I only hope it's reversible.


I can't speak for the US, but here in Australia, I think that there is surely a dumbing down of school leavers at the end of high school.

canada too. you can get a university degree and know little of the world around you.Travel is the only antidote




I think in certain regions it is. Although.. the dumbness has a much louder and more public platform than ever before. Social media. This may be the reason there seems to be so many more uninformed and not too smart people out there.


The average SAT score in the US is dropping by about 1 point per year. However, this is almost entirely due to demographic changes in the population.

how would that change anything

Hispanic students, on average, score lower than Asian and white students. Since their percentage of the US population is growing rapidly, the average US SAT scores slide. []


I absolutely do!


Some days, it really feels like it is.

Lanie Level 2 Oct 15, 2017

There has definitely been a dumbing down of the general public, especially in America.


What is the Idiocracy effect?

It is the dumbing down of society.

Well it must be lol

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