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Veterans for gun reform.

kmdskit3 8 Aug 15

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This is a powerful message by people who know what they are talking about. More vets like them need to speak out and politicians need to listen and act. These are weapons of war plain and simple and should not be available for civilians to buy. Removing them from society should just be the first step in gun reform laws.


if you are not a race car driver, then you should NOT own a car that is capable of reaching speeds higher than those posted on the highway.. PERIOD.


But... but.... but.....

ALL weapons are designed specifically to kill people, if you get right down to it. The first invention of firearms was for military purposes.

Banning guns that look scary is not going to solve the problem. I don't know what's behind the recent increase in "mass shootings" (which is defined as 4 or more people, by the way... when did 4 become a "mass" of people? I had a mass of people to dinner last night... no, it doesn't ring true), but it isn't the availability of these rifles. People wanting to kill will find a way to do it. Colombine happened during the Brady period.

We do need to find an answer, but banning a style of firearm is a panacea.

"People wanting to kill will find a way to do it." Guns make it so much easier.

@kmdskit3 That's what I'm worried about. Other people's guns. They have them; I better have one.

As much as you may wish to reinvent American culture, there will always be guns in America for our foreseeable future. We aren't going the route of Canada or Australia any time soon. Dealing with the nation we have, how do we tighten gun laws, improve background checks, get rid of the private transfer loophole, and enforce mandatory safety training standards before anyone can legally purchase any gun?

@Paul4747 I don't care. They have one I don't want one. It has to start somewhere and at the moment I can control my actions. In your latest response you listed everything we should do. We get some politicians with a backbone we could get something done. BTW I am pro-hunting but vehemently anti-NRA.

@kmdskit3 I'm glad we have some common ground. I despise the NRA and think Charlton Heston is a pod person. (Is he still their spokesman even?) Their reflexive opposition to even registering guns or having a background check betrays their agenda. Their willingness to give a formerly A+ rated Democrat an E rating just for voting Yes on the Brady bill disgusted me.

I favor sensible reform, registration, training, and background checks. But I don't believe controlling the technology is the answer. So much is out there now that banning certain types of guns will turn responsible gun owners into criminals overnight. It's a recipe for legal disaster. And it would prove the worst of the Right's predictions about liberals; that we're a bunch of "gun grabbers". I refuse to let that be true, as long as there's another solution.

I respect your choice not to own a gun, I don't push my choices on anyone. I'm just explaining why I make mine. In my career I've met too many criminals and developed too grim an outlook on human behavior. Most people are decent by nature, but those that aren't, go very very bad. I am determined not to be a victim.


If you want to have a military grade weapon specifically designed to kill people then join the military. No assault rifles for civilians, indeed.

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