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Level 7 hates me! HAHA

WeaZ 7 Aug 15

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You'll be there before you know it, just keep talkin'. Then you'll be at 7 with that Beeaautiful red star for quite awhile. I even deleted some of my comments just to time travel backward to see it again. I'm 1200+ into the brown star now. No going back ? I've not asked for a shirt yet tho, as if I do risk outting myself for how famous I really am.? ? AR AR ?

You should definitely get your shirt! They're lovely

@OpposingOpposum Are they 100% cotton or a blend?

@Qualia hrmm. I'll check and tell you in the morning

They are nice. Heavy duty %100 cotton.


At the risk of being a buzz-kill, if you care:

From Level 7, you have to go from 10,000 to 50,000 points to get to Level 8. Then you receive an T-shirt. Maybe it's a myth.

Gaining points is a long slog of writing posts, commenting and clicking "like."

I'm at 7.8. So close, yet so far away....


7 to 8 takes a while. 8 to 9 is going to be much longer.

9 to 10, an eternity..... ? but read the fine print, they may change points depending....

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