Listening to Brett Kavanaugh supporting Scalia's dissents against marriage equality and abortion - a privileged white male with corporate money bulging out of all his fricking pockets - makes me scream out loud. Only 28% of women want this fricking walking male supremacist and misogynist on the bench. This. Obscenity. Must. Be. Stopped.
Contact your "representatives early & often! If you take 3 minutes now to program your devices with their phone/email info, it gets real easy to do!
And ferpetessake check your registration, then VOTE!
Oh, and donate to the ACLU, SPLC, etc!
Hopefully enough people will wake up to the threat he poses to our freedoms, and convince their congress members to vote against his appointment until a fresh congress, hopefully a bit bluer, and might have a chance to confirm a more moderate judge through some convincing that Obama's nominee of Merrick Garland should be considered belately, or some other miracle. Wishful thinking!