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How do I cope with my family?

It isn't that I do not love my family, but much of my family are Christians. Especially my grandmother, who has caused many problems within my family.

I am 16. I recently told my mother I am atheist and she accepted that cautiously only because of certain happenings recently that shook the foundations of my faith in humanity, and I believe this shook the foundations of her belief in god. But I want to know how to ease into the whole crazy catholic grandmother thing.

I love my grandmother, but even though she stresses that she is a catholic, she certainly doesn't act like one. She is a heavy drinker, especially on special occasions, and is very unnacepting of anything other than Catholicism.

I want to know if I should put my foot down and tell her the truth, or if I should just keep this from her?

ConnorM 3 Aug 17

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When the mother of an ex found out I am an Atheist she got all wrinkled up and jumping at my face said "Why...? I am very religious." To which I answered "That's your problem.....and BTW, stop criticizing the neighbor's daughter."

The old bag shut up and and I left to never return her son's calls.

If a member of your family doesn't respect you I don't see why you should put up with him / her


I would just leave her to her own views. She is your grandmother and crazy though her beliefs and contradictions are she should be loved and cherished. I wouldn’t push my views on her, she will never turn away from her lifelong Catholic views, they are too ingrained. I would try to keep off the subject of religion when you are around her. Concentrate on keeping a good relationship with both your mother and your grandmother. Your mother seems to be accepting that you no longer believe in god and sounds like she may be having doubts herself.

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