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Is the concept of “you” continuous or does past “you” continually fade into present and future “you”? In other words, what part of “you” sticks around over time considering that the atoms that make up your body are constantly being replaced and your memories are always changing?

WeaZ 7 Aug 18

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My first thought is the Billy Pilgram character from Slaughter House Five. He has overcome a linerer movement in time and can jump back and forth, like skipping through photographs.
People who become an amnesiac (rarer than media would have you believe. People can lose or not recollect certain memories, especially traumatic ones) still have a sense of awareness. Even people afflicted with the inability to have long, or even short, term memory will still have a sense of awareness. So, I don't think memory is needed for having an awareness of self or one's surroundings. Thus, I think one could conclude one could be in a continual flux and changability. Memory could affect that and slow the flux.


I believe that it is impossible to be the same you from day to day, year to year, decade to decade. Whether on a subatomic, perceivable physical level, intellectual, emotional, conciousness level, forever changing by continual experiences no matter how minor or major, outside forces, education, evolution. We are not static, we are in perpetual motion in every way. I know for a fact I am not the same person I was 30, 20 , 10 or even 5 years ago. I'm not even the same person I was a month ago due to some discussions I engaged in that changed my thinking towards some topics. Some people evolve more slowly or quickly than others but we are all forever changing by simply existing in this world from day to day.

I am not a physicist, but isn't it the Heisenberg principle that argues that in the very act of evaluating an object whether obtrusively or no, that object is changed. Do I would guess past, present and future you are all dynamic, constantly changing...but ...if I ever find someone who is able to bypass the physical, and metaphysical limitations of the question in order to provide an answer, I'll probably listen politely, then run like hell.

@Happyonearth ooohhhhh so close, good job. Its the Copenhagen Interpretation but Heisenberg was one of the physicists that worked on it. Pretty sharp there young man! More recently it was proven with quantum particles.

@Martie1965 thank you, actually am old geezer, so double thank you, lol


You're the same you, you just become a bigger you ha!

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