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Best news for women (and men) that I've seen in a long time. VICTORIA'S SECRET IS ON THE WAY OUT!

Small indications of progress in how women and men relate to one another are popping up like little 'brush fires' and I hope they will consume the apparatus that defines for us what is visually attractive. Nature and only Nature can do this and she sets the canon, not humans.

Silver1wun 7 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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As someone who despises double standards as well as objectification, good riddance


As someone who hates objectification, I am glad to see it go.


Victoria’s Secret May be on the way out, but Botox and Boob-jobs are in! The craze for selfies is driving a lot of young women (and in some cases young men) to try to achieve “perfect” faces and bodies. I think it is exploitation of people’s insecurity and the belief still pedalled around, maybe even more than ever, that we will only be liked and admired if we all look perfect. This is insanity....who wants everyone to look the same, it would be horrible not to see those imperfections that make us all individuals, and unique beings,


Fox News article? Ewwww!!!

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