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What was the dumbest thing a Christian ever said to you and what was your reaction?

mrveggieman187 6 Aug 20

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She told me we couldn't be friends because she was a Christian and therefore didn't like my Halloween decorations . If I didn't take them down , then we couldn't be friends .


I've heard a lot of things asked of me as a guilt trip type question. My response is always "If god exists, let him strike me dead right now." I throw my arms up as if to receive a lightning bolt or something (I notice some of them look up as well.) After about 5 seconds, I put my arms down and walk away.


I have a cousin whom is a presuppositional apologist.[]. Enough said .


My cousin took me to her Pentecostal church, and I watched as all the primitive theatrics unfolded--people screaming and shouting, speaking in tongues, running up and down the isles, etc.
After the service, she asked me, "Why were you laughing during church services?"
I replied, "You're joking, right?"

Laughter can actually be considered by Pentecostals to be a sign of being anointed by the Holy Spirit , hence why she might have asked you what she did .


I'm terrible with remembering specifics, but I have heard some variation of the quote "if the bible tells me 2 + 2 = 5 then I'll believe it" so many times.

How do you argue that? How do you fight willful ignorance? My usual response is just nothing.

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