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I'm drinking wine ? because I have a teenager! ?

Josephine 7 Aug 20

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I have a teenager, a 2 year old and 4 year old. I drink liquor.


I can relate! Bottoms up?


You need a reason, beyond finding a cork screw, then needing to find something with a cork in it to maintain vital life skills? Then, as fate would have it, a wine bottle just happened to be near by! Oh, and you have a teenager. A much nicer narrative.


It gets worse once they are at drinking age (18 here) you have to buy their alcohol to doubles your cost 😛


I had two girls couple of years appart, now grown ups but hell did I pay my dues !!! .... It was beer for me... Don't sweat it too much, there is light at the end of the tunnel and no, it's not a train coming at you. Just hang on tight ??

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