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Hahaha!!!! Ok so I finally took the leap & put my humble self on Bumble. I'm still trying to figure it out but have already seen one guy lamenting "I voted for Trump. Evidently that is a deal breaker-smh." ?
Cry me a river!
Bumble! (where women swipe on men)
Gee... I can't imagine WHY. SMH!

Qualia 8 Aug 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Holy shit is Bumble chock full 'o golfers. Can someone describe how golfing is fun?
I don't get it. My eyesight is really bad too. Like REALLY.


Good luck! Not too many good ones to choose from. Most are married or in relationships ?

I have to say so far not too happy w/the character limit on bumble! And I get msg pop ups then the person is vanished. Idk how to work the damned thing.
I'm in the area of the big 3 so there are alll kinds up here.


Most guys hide their deplorable beliefs to get sex.

Before meeting, I insist on a telephone conversation. Many men do good phone.

Nothing is real until you meet.

Based off my exp w/another community agree with you Kathleen. There's no substitute for meeting someone in person.
I know i"m different in person vs written word in particular. I'm ok on the phone.
I've talked to people I've great admiration for after chatting online and one that jumps out at me, a woman who's amazing and very cool, is AWFUL on the phone! Awful!
She's a great lady but I hope never to talk to her on the phone ever again. LOL

And just the other day had a friend over helping us tame a jungle in our yard, admitted I'm much nicer in person than in just our FB msgs LOL I've trouble conveying nuance in text so I'm very SPLAT! 😟


You are so funny! Love your sense of humor.

@LiterateHiker ☺☺☺? (((Kathleen)))


I'm a Luddite, had to look that one up. Is "swipe" a new term for "hit on"?

At any rate, good luck with that!

Swiping is the action on your cell screen to show interest or not. I'm very confused by it, Bumble's is different than all the other sites and there I am, just scribbling every which way. probably blowing off the most interesting ones. ?
I'm swiping like a dyslexican.

And thank you Kevin! 🙂


Gee. I haven't been swiped on in a while now. I don't think so anyway.

I may not know what that means....

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