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Does love have to include ownership?

beerhungry 7 Aug 25

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Definitely not and it's better when it doesn't.


Nope. I love my husband. We have been together 10 yrs but I don’t own him and he doesn’t own me. We have separate bank accounts and don’t ask permission for anything!
I enjoy our relationship and I hope we will continue to grow together and be together. But nothing is permanent. If things changed and we were not together we would both be ok. Codependency is annoying. LOL.


That’s slavery


Absolutely not! If it does, it's not love.


No,you two create a union, be it marriage or just living together,mutual understandings,a commitment to stay together,when one partner gets possessive,then it's re-evaluation time.


I would never wish to own another person or be owned. That would never work for me!


If ownership is involved, it's not love. You can't always stop jealousy, I've learned the hard way, but that doesn't mean it's right, or that you have any claim.


Ownership of what, exactly?


Who gets to decide what love is? For me no it is not in any way about ownership. It is about a decision to put others before you and finding happiness there. It is about making a decision to accept someone for who they are without judgment. But and this is a big but love is also about honoring ones self. You can love someone and stay far far away from them for your own peace of mind or protection. Love like all things human suffers in vacuum. It evolves and changes and takes a supreme effort of will to retain it in the face of betrayal or other stresses.

Quarm Level 6 Aug 25, 2018

If both partners agree with that definition and it works within their personal dynamics, who am I to judge? I know plenty of people who are in a D/s fetish relationship and the sub/bottom often times refers to their relationship as 'ownership' and is still happy, whole and otherwise fine with their life.


When we all have free will, it can never be 'ownership'.


It must not


It better not - or I'm outta there !

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