Hot button question! Do you agree or disagree with sex outside marriage?
No problem with consenting adults. It's a great stress reliever and society is too hung up on the religious/morality issue of it.
I think if it is mutually agreed to have sex outside of marriage it is ok.
I agree. Unless you are asexual and don’t want to have sex, it’s actually pretty important in my opinion to have sex before mairage (with people you think are attractive and who you have a strong connection with) in order to find out what your likes and dislikes are. If you are seriously considering marrying someone I think it’s highly important to move in with that person and have sex with them in order to see if you truly are compatible enough for mairage.
Sex education is part of grade school curriculum, howd you think they'll apply their knowledge - by singing "I have two hands" or "Mary had a little lamb?" . . . how on earth did Mary had a little lamb?
If it’s consensual between two adults then go for it. Personally I believe in sex before marriage because I’d hate to get married only to find out we weren’t compatible in the bedroom.
That is a big problem in communities where religion forbids premarital sex it contributes to a very high divorce rate is found in many Mormon communities. The lack of physical intimacy and the ability to cope with physical intimacy, excluding the sex part is also a likely contributes to this.
I think sex is a normal part of getting to know and like someone, finding sexual compatibility is a precursor to building a secure relationship.
I have no problem with sexual relations outside of marriage. It can be a good thing. Sex is part of getting to know each other.
agree as long as no one gets hurt which can be tricky
Emphasis on virginity is often harmful. There seems to sometimes be an "ownership" mentality with parents. especially fathers that is creepy. Purity balls, for instance have a major creep factor. Sex at too young an age can also be something, that young girls, have difficulty handling. I feel it is better to have an honest talk with your children about the intensity of the sexual drive, how that isn't necessarily love and that while some experimentation is normal, there is some danger in getting overly involved too early. Girls should not have to be filled with guilt over their sexual relationships, nor should they feel that if everyone is doing it, they are obligated to put out. I have taught my boys, that no, means no. When people are "young adults." they will know when they are ready. I have even seen young boys jump in to quickly and express an utter dependency on one girl, that is detrimental to their mental and emotional maturity. If you love your kids and they know it, I think they are less likely to experiment at to young an age.
Someone's personal history is none of my business even if I have a relationship with them. This question implies that virginity has some value. People have value and their life's experiences have value to them alone and it's their business to share or not. Hopefully a level of trust is achieved before having possessions and or children in common with another individual.
I assume you are not referring to infidelity? That is an issue of breach of trust in a relationship.
Why does a piece of paper make a difference; it is not a licence to have sex?
From my observations couples that don't have sex before marriage seldom stay together, thus the high divorce rate among Mormons.
I was referring to sexual relations only between unmarried people. Sorry I wasn't clear enough
Personally, I think marriage should be removed from all laws. We should have civil unions that are wholly separate from religious marriage. It should be like "incorporating a business", you know for tax purposes and legal protections. That should have nothing to do with sex. If you want to participate in the religious institution of marriage, then whatever that means to you is what you should do.