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Most pro lifers only care about a child until it is born. After conception, throw it to the wolves!

GoodArt11975 3 Sep 3

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Anti-abortion religious zealots want to keep women barefoot and pregnant. They want to control women and keep us submission.


I was called a baby butcher wanting to chop up a man's grandchildren because I defended my daughter's rights to control her body. Duh. No. Your grandkids are your kids decision. And I want nothing to do with how you choose as it is non of my business; just as my kids choices are none of their business.


They are pro-birth and nothing else. The hope is that a child born will add to their army of faithful, especially I'd it is white.


Then they scream "get a real job" at the single mom for getting assistance like Food Stamps and Medicaid for her family because the 2 jobs that she works have shitty pay. I mean, why should we pay people a livable wage? It's not like inflation is a thing. 😈


Yeah. Pro-lifer is a misnomer. It should be pro-birther. That really is as far as their interest goes.

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