5 1

Kids left for school less than 2hrs ago I've changed bedding, put on 1st load of washing, fixed my door and my eldest wardrobe drawer. Also the dog can open the stairgate ??

Josephine 7 Sep 4

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I'll be honest, i read that as "my dog can open the stargate" which momentarily forced me to picture your dog entering the chevrons required to open an intergalactic portal to a world that served as the home to the culture that visited us thousands of years ago and shaped the Egyptian empire.


No, not the adulting! Sounds like you need that juvenile supervision back!


Sounds like typical adult stuff? Laundry, cleaning, fixing things, dealing with furry children....


Soooooo...what are you saying??? ???

@Josephine you think you are, wait 'till you are my age ????

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