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I've just about decided that there is no point in my posting on this site in future. The great value of adult conversation has always been the interplay between people who are able to give fair consideration to opposing views. I don't see much of that any more. All debate needs to start with the understanding that it is possible for people who disagree with you to be both intelligent and honest. I don't see much of that, either. I have met some people on this site that I really value. I wish them all the best.

Hellbent 7 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Bu-bye...elitism was never the point here


You need to join the offender's group. We practice reacting to reactions.

It's not really an offender's group if you get kicked out for being offensive. ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰


We are all just words on a screen. For me, you pop into my mind when I drive by the two new horse farms in the neighborhood. So, maybe we are also images in someone else's mind. All of these things enrich us, I think.Take a break. Hellbent. While you are gone, you are just as reall to me.


Why? Just because people disagree with you on your linguistic dinosaurhood? Okay, then.

Wow, thereโ€™s a couple of dicks riding this post.


I hope youโ€™ll reconsider, Hellbent. Youโ€™re a bright spot here. Best wishes in any case.

skado Level 9 Sep 7, 2018

Goodbye sorry to see you go.

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