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For those of you with religious faith, you will know me to be an atheist and as far as any all powerful deity is concerned, deities such as the Gods of the Abrahamic religions, around 140 at the last count, Christianity, Islam etc, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc, etc, I have come to the realisation that they are in fact, all one and the same deity only this deity does actually exist and her name is.......................
Now, given this information is truthful and accurate, I think that it is about time that all of the wars and terrorism associated with religion just end, give up and go home because you are fighting a losing battle and if you think that you can bend Mother Nature to your will then think again, she has control over the entire planet and the ability to wipe out all life, even microbial and bacteriological life if she so wishes.

meister268 5 Sep 8

Enjoy being online again!

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you`re talking about an inconsequential planet in an average solar system an average galaxy in a mind blowing universe the only difference from a lot of similar planets is this one has minds that can be blown and struggle to make it means something to their mind and once they have they will fight to defend it no matter how stupid it sounds to other similar minds but good luck

My wife is daft enough to believe that Humanity is the only form of intelligent life in the entire universe when she herself isn't particularly intelligent. She ain't thick but hey, she ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer either.
I tried to explain to her that as far as solar systems go, pours is one of the youngest, in fact, our galaxy is one of the youngest and that there are planets out there in other galaxies which have most likely supported life and then died before our meagre little rock ever formed a mere 4.5 billion years ago but she won't have it, neither will she accept that a collision between Earth and a similar size planet since destroyed resulted in the outer surface of the Earth being stripped away, the debris eventually forming our moon. This has been scientifically proven.

@meister268 sounds a keeper

@weeman I wouldn't part with her for the world.
We have been married for over 20 years and I love her just as much now as I did when I proposed to her.
She ain't the prettiest woman in the world but to me she is Aphrodite.


Preaching to the converted here. You need to post on a religious website.

I don't hold much sway over the religious ideology or the people of faith. My only intent is to enlighten people into the realisation that Mother Nature is the only God that they will ever need and she won't need people to fight over her, just for her.

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