5 8

Yeah, encountered a lot of them, .. 🙂

lubestr89mao 3 Sep 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm a little reluctant to endorse such facile generalizations. A person could be pro-science -- in fact, be a scientist -- and ignore good medical and dietary and exercise advice and die of a heart attack or stroke or whatever. Smart people refuse to quit smoking or get their weight under control or fail to take their meds. Some smart people have an irrational fear of medical care and delay prudent measures on behalf of their own health. Some smart people ignore good relationship advice and leave a trail of divorces and estranged children wherever they go.

Religion (the main source of science denial) is no different. It's not an indicator of [un]intelligence that someone is religious, even to the point of denying science. It's just an indicator that they have never been taught critical thinking or why it's important.

0 they care? Is it that they're just too afraid to admit ignorance? Too lazy to learn? Too afraid to step off ''the path?"


Or, displaying your choice to live in a box..

Varn Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

Those who do this are usually too stupid to realize they are making fools of themselves...

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