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What you perceive on a person's outsides, may be nothing like what is going on inside. Be Gentle.

I woke this morning to see this powerful image on Facebook; it says so much about the millions of people who are suffering. Be Gentle.

josephr 7 Sep 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Very good post. That’s me every single day at work. It’s fucking exhausting.

Livia Level 6 Sep 9, 2018

I used to, and still do when i get out into the real world, and you're right.


I spend a good part of my work with students and families having to remind myself of this.


Beautifully expressed.

Betty Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

I think this is a good rule of thumb. Do you think abusive people who have some kind of mental illness or physical challenge should get a pass on their own abusive behavior towards others? I was shocked many years ago when I witnessed a man slap another man who was in a wheelchair. I later learned the man in the wheelchair was known for being verbally abusive to others. His abuse got him slapped when he suggested a sexual act with the other man's daughter. Btw- i do not condone violence.


Oprah Winfrey addressed this way, way back in her early days when she said that everyone has a story to tell, and she was right.


It's a powerful reminder. Thank you.


I'm big on the notion that many people we see each day are enduring a struggle that nobody knows about or understands. I try to tread lightly for that reason.

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