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Fishing is my hobby...or how I miss it.

Humanlove 7 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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For me, fishing is very relaxing. I take a camp chair, coffee and a snack. Just relax and enjoy nature. Sometimes, I take my nephew (who is 28) when I feel I can tolerate the constant blah blah blah.


Like several kinds of fishing. Had a lot of kids, and we camped out mostly. Usually by a lake in central Oregon. Taught all the kids to fly fish. Do like the rhythm of getting the fly line out to the spot you want, and then watching for the fish to take it and tightening the line just as it strikes. Do some fishing with my youngest son. He has a boat, and we go in the coastal streams, or for salmon and tuna out in the ocean. And sturgeon in the lower Columbia. Usually bring something home, but that doesn't really matter.


there are trout in the stream at the back of my property. I should fish a bit.I think flyfishing would interest me more than off a boat or a bank. I have a friend that catches them with his hands

Oh,a noodler, huh?

@ItsOkay yeah, I thought that was limited to catfish but he can get the trout

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