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Wait, wait, wait.. WHAAAAAT? Say it isn't so... lol

Captain_Feelgood 8 Sep 17

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Ohferpetessake, stop watching Fox for 3 minutes, okay?

Ohferpatriciasake, perhaps you should watch it a bit more... you know,, get a broader perspective than what you get from CNN and MSNBC.. You can look this stuff up you know, and l hope you do.. And for the record, l will watch msnbc just to see what they are saying, and l also watch OAN from time to time. ?

@Captain_Feelgood Smearing the victim is a nasty, nasty tactic, and sadly, it can work. But, just asking, WTH has her knitting hats & wearing them got to do with anything whatsoever?

@AnneWimsey Well, let's look at the facts. First off, we don't know if she's actually a victim of anything. Just because she now claims it happened, certainly doesn't mean it did. Women make false accusations like this all the time for all kinds of reasons. That brings us to why, and her love for wearing pussy hats that she made to anti Trump rallies would fit that description quite well,, don't you think? It's no secret that she's a long time Democrat, and that she hates our POTUS. Thus showing why this person might make up a story like that in order to put a damper on anything the pres tries to do. So why don't you stop being intellectually dishonest about this and just admit that it's quite possible that she made this up, and just leave it at that?

@Captain_Feelgood "women make false accusations...all the time"....just wow

@AnneWimsey JUST WOW INDEED.... I'm guessing you didn"t know this. It truly is a shame but it does happen all the time. Are you really not aware of the stats? Do you need proof, because there"s lots of it for you, or are you wanting to continue to live in ignorance? Just type in "false claims of sexual assault" and see all the sites that come up.. Surely you've seen this before... if not,, you really need to see this before making such claims.. It just makes you look really silly. []


Kavanaugh will likely be confirmed in spite of the democrats dirty war against him. Hell if we’re lucky Ginburg and Breyer will die in office and Trump will get to appoint replacements for them also. Then the conservatives would have a 7-2 majority with Sonimeyer and Kegan being the only 2 liberals left on the bench of the US Supreme Court. That would drive the crazy liberals nuts!

I heard a lawyer in Tenn. has a letter from Abe Lincoln claiming Ginsburg raped him in 1822.. This could be big.. ?

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