A ride on the subway.
I was on the subway one night reading a book. It was about 10 in the evening - I was heading to the city from the Rockaways to visit a woman I had just started seeing. As the train rolled in the station of a rather rough brooklyn neighborhood two young men walked on - short sleeved white dress shirts, dark ties, name tags...you get the picture.
There were maybe seven or eight other passengers in the car with the two young men and me. No one dared risk eye contact with the solicitors. They spoke between themselves at a volume designed to entice others to engage them.
One of them made a face-palm inducing comment - I reflexively darted my eyes at them.
"I see you're reading a book" the taller of the duo said to me..."do you read a lot" he continued.
I smiled dismissively.
He was persistent though..."I've got a fantastic book here, would you like to hear about it?"
We had an audience at this point.
"Tell you what, my young friend..." I said. "I promise to read yours if you promise to read mine"
"Sounds fair" he said.
I lifted my book to reveal the cover, which was concealed to this point...
The man sitting across from me actually fell out of his seat laughing.
Thanks to #SACatwalker for reminding me of this story