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Just came back from a Mormon funeral for a lifetime Army Helicopter pilot. Was kind of weird to be in the church and hear the discussion about premortality indoctrination.
Any way this guy was awesome. Got the tail shot off his Huey in Viet Nam and was still able to land and pull all of his crew out of a burning aircraft under enemy fire. THey all went home that day. In a later battle he was shot down at least twice( I lost count) and returned to the fray each time with a new helicopter. Respect

btroje 9 Sep 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Huey pilots, they were still around when I served, were an interesting breed. Men and women who flew through hellish ground fire in relatively slow and exposed aircraft, following the terrain in nauseating flight paths, they often risked their lives to save many, many more.

Salute to your friend.

JimG Level 8 Sep 22, 2018

He sounds like an amazing person. How fortunate you are to have been able to know him! I am sorry for your loss.

it is more like I wish I knew him. I work with his wife. We just met 2 weeks before he was diagnosed around the first of August. Support


Some people were born to serve. Farewell

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